
Variation for three musicians, one dancer, one video-maker, of a myth reviewed.

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Pictures of the show


Pictures of the residency



Music, dance and video are gathering for I/CARE: a plural writing where interact three media that are confronting around a rewriting of the mythical character of Icarus. 

He embodies the face of control and of dispossession of ourselves at the same time and take us trough his journey that is drawn in frond of us by and choreography of discover and ambition.

The video creates a geometry in space, and we don’t know if it’s his creation or if it’s outside to him and constrains him.

The music on the same way gives the feeling to the character that it’s a extension of himself, of his will, mixing jazz, tribal and electric improvisations.



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Original idea of  Benjamin Sanz

Staging :  Stéphanie Chêne and Benjamin Sanz

Texts :  Stéphanie Chêne



Yasminee Lepe : dance

Sébastien Buchholz : contralto clarinet , alto sax, percussion

Sébastien Saint-Lézin : guitar, flute

Benjamin Sanz : drum, percussion


Video creating : Romain Al’l

Choreography : Stéphanie Chêne helped by Yasminee Lepe

Musical composition : Benjamin Sanz

General and light director : Manuel Vidal

Sound booth : Marie Souvannavong

Diffusion : Danger Hill

Administration/Production : Marion Brunet


With the crew of l’Espace Georges Simenon

Show management: Baptiste Delestre, Cyril Pisseloup, Mehdi Meymat-Pellicane // Technical direction : Laurent Bouillault // Reception : Qualli Capetillo // Coordination : Sarah Guillemaud // Director of cultural actions : Marion Ladet // Director: Stéphane Moquet

2019 CREATION at l’Espace Georges Simenon, Rosny-sous-Bois



I/CARE is a creation made by MiRR Collective, in residency at l’Espace Georges Simenon for the 2018/2019 season. This residency is supported by Seine-Saint-Denis Dpartement, DRAC Île-de-France, the city of Rosny-sous-Bois, the CNV and the Spedidam.


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